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Oslo 8 Cube Unit with Panels Yukon

SKU: 015231

Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $39.97.

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This stunning Yukon 8 Cube unit features open and enclosed shelves with plenty of room to store all your nick nacks like plants, ornaments, books & baskets.
  • Size: 600 x 290 x 1230mm
  • Colour: Yukon
  • Always secure this furniture with an anchor device.
  • Never allow children to stand, climb or hang on drawers, doors, or shelves.
  • Never open more than one drawer at a time.
  • Place heavy items down low.
  • Never put a TV on this furniture.
Our Red Dot Home Exclusive stores carry our everyday Red Dot Stores stock as well as a MASSIVE extended range throughout the categories. Red Dot Home exclusive stock are not sold within our normal stores. This item can only be found at: Albany Armadale Baldivis Belmont Busselton Dalyellup Innaloo Mandurah Ocean Keys Rockingham Riverton Secret Harbour Canning Vale Malaga Maddington Treendale Wanneroo

*Availability and photos of stock shown are only a representation of styles and sizes which may vary from store to store. While stocks last. Items may not be available in certain stores due to store or item size

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